
Our Story

Our story

The ~ Photo Cafe’ ~ starts its first steps thanks to four SL friends (Kika Yongho, Duraya, Kapaan and DaneAlbion) as an occasion to gather – together with alike people, interested in Second Life Photography.

Since September 2021 the meetings have been starting inworld on Second Life!

Through different locations – the very first Photo Cafe’ started on a beach! – we have been a meeting spot for all SL Photographers (at any level) to gather together and share experiences, hints, tips&tricks, landmarks or contests (inworld or Flickr) and whatever else came to our minds!

We have been having fortnightly meetings every other Saturday at H.11:00AM SLT. The meetings are being moderated and held on text chat (not on voice!) so to be accessible to everyone.

The Photo Cafe’ moved, in 2023, to a new beautiful fantasy location, built by Violette Rembrandt, co-creator – together with her Lucifer – of the sim Wonderland 2.0!

The time of the meetings changed to 12PM SLT to give the chance to more people to join us!

We have been featured on:

In September 2023, the Photo Cafe’ has moved again to a brand new location.. New adventures for us at the horizon! The first new location has been beautifully portrayed in Aki Gunshin’s new SL video.

Since October 2023, the original Photo Cafe’ Staff changes, losing some original members to gain a new beautiful “Dea Ex Machina”: Josephine Delvalle!

In April 2024, brought by a tornado, a brand new fresh look for the Photo Cafe’!

But changes were just begun.. In July 2024 two new Staff members: Bee (Filipa Emor) and Moki Yuitza join the team!

Also.. A change of look and location: Photo Cafe’ moves on the waters! …

…and gets straight away featured in SL Editor’s Picks of the week!

Find us listed on the following websites:

Come visit us inworld: click “Location” on the top menu!