Photo Cafe' Beach Lounge
~ Chat Transcript ~
6th November, 2021
H.11:00 AM SLT
[ The following Episode #6 will be on:
Sat, the 20th of Nov H.11.00 AM SLT! ]
[11:08] Duraya: Hello everyone and welcome to the fifth episode of our bi-weekly photo cafe!
[11:11] Duraya: We are so happy we can welcome new participants each time and our circle is growing! And thanks everyone for sending their picture about the theme we agreed upon last time: industrial!
[11:11] Duraya: A very intense and deep discussion on the pros and cons of themed work came about last time. The results you see displayed around you.
[11:11] Duraya: Before we start the discussion Kika will reintroduce our Model Board – will you please Kika?
[11:12] Kika Yongho: Sure! Thank you Duraya 😀
[11:12] Kika Yongho: And hello SL Photographers! I will be talking about “the model-problem” solution: (re)introducing you the Photographers-Models Board!
[11:13] Kika Yongho: The “model-problem” was: how to find a willing model-volunteer to pose for your photo?
Our amazing Photo Cafe’ chat members volunteered themselves for a list of models / photographers, for a start! Now: who’d keep the lists and – most important – how to access them on need?
[11:13] Kika Yongho: Technology can be your friend and in fact I am here to introduce you our.. PhotoModels Board!
Located at the Info point (it is shaped as a notices board, between the ridable horse and the Info gazebo), it hosts two lists of trusted people: Photographers and Models.
[11:14] Kika Yongho: People on Photographers list can access the list of Models, and vice versa. They are not mutually exclusive: you can be registered as both roles.
[11:14] Kika Yongho: Clicking on the board – when I have been adding you to a list – will give you a menu with your options.
[11:14] Kika Yongho: Say you’re a Photographer and you click on “Models” button, in local chat – and to you only! – a list of the available listed models will appear, with their online status (online/offline) and link to their profile. You can then directly IM to see if they are free to pose!
[11:14] Kika Yongho: Note: this is a FREE service. People in these lists can’t request you for money. If anyone does, please report it: they will be removed.
[11:15] Kika Yongho: To be added on a list (Photographer, Model, BOTH!), IM me and I will do so. Enjoy!
[11:16] Kika Yongho: Alright that was all from my side.. Mic goes back to Duraya 🙂
[11:16] Duraya: Soooo – industrial.
[11:16] Duraya: Apologies if I didn’t find the right ratio for a picture, the texture comes in a 1:1 format and I tried my best to make everything look‚ natural ‘. Please tell me if any changes need to be made.
[11:17] Duraya: Chemsia gave me a no copy/no modify texture and she didn’t answer my IM requesting a texture I could place on a prim. Thus I snipped the one I had out and loaded it up again – of course you don’t get the quality of the picture she took but I wanted her idea to be present.
[11:20] Duraya: Getting to know each other by sharing art 🙂
[11:20] Duraya: That was the motto
[11:21] Duraya: now we have the results displayed around us – they are amazing and thanks again for participating in this
[11:21] Duraya: how did it go for you? Was it hard to get an idea? What was your approach? Did you learn something about photography, about yourself?
[11:21] onceagain (manoji.yachvili): c
[11:21] Duraya: Please remember the c, q, r and done-routine!
[11:22] Prins (skylog): c
[11:22] Duraya: perfect once – will you start please?
[11:22] onceagain (manoji.yachvili): for me it was easy, it immediately came to mind this famous photographer
[11:23] onceagain (manoji.yachvili): is a kind of homage
[11:23] onceagain (manoji.yachvili): but this is an iconic image
[11:24] Loony Carabosse – Moretto (louna.perl): C
[11:24] cazzie (caz.lobo): C
[11:24] onceagain (manoji.yachvili): how many of you know this image
[11:24] onceagain (manoji.yachvili): of course in rl is better 😉
[11:24] Duraya: it’s impressive
[11:24] onceagain (manoji.yachvili): I’ve prepare a nc, if you want I can send to you
[11:25] onceagain (manoji.yachvili): in which you can find the name of the photographer, the reason why I’ve choose her and a lm to this photo
[11:25] onceagain (manoji.yachvili): my photo isn’t great
[11:25] onceagain (manoji.yachvili): SHE does a great photo
[11:26] onceagain (manoji.yachvili): this photo is the first cover of LIFE
[11:26] onceagain (manoji.yachvili): Margaert Bourke. White is the woman that create this:
“For this theme I have chosen one of the most iconic images of Margaret Bourke-White, an American photographer. Below you can find the lm at wikipedia if by chance you didn’t know her.
I built something in my land that could look like this photo (I apologize for my poor capabilty as a builder)
I chose this photo because obviously I find it perfect for the proposed theme (only the two figures of men below are missing), it is clean and essential and because she is a woman.“
[11:27] Duraya: any questions for once?
[11:27] onceagain (manoji.yachvili): for me she is one of the most important, like Dorotea Lange
[11:27] onceagain (manoji.yachvili): but all the history of photography is plenty of gorgeous woman
[11:27] Duraya: yeahhh!
[11:28] Duraya: thank you once – are you done?
[11:28] onceagain (manoji.yachvili): yes, done and thank you
[11:28] Duraya: Prins is next
[11:28] Prins (skylog): i found out, I didn’t have the same light options as Jaminda, so I have found them in the folder settings and got some from Jaminda. it was a hard theme to complete, but we talked about and found a place and my photo is a theme i know from rl – I took this not so well composed photo a few mounts ago :
it is from a metal mill that is now a Museum – done
[11:30] Duraya: Loony is next
[11:30] Loony Carabosse – Moretto (louna.perl): For me, it was complicated… I am bad with large plans… I’ve made a few pics in that sim, two I posted on Flickr and was happy with and that one, that wasn’t a close up and I have to admit I am not too fond of it… I’d need more technic to have it look “nice”, especially. Some tool to smooth my pic… I think (Done)
[11:31] Elfi Siemens: c
[11:32] Duraya: cazzie you are next
[11:33] cazzie (caz.lobo): I found out its not a subject I have concentrated on before, so for me it was novel to go hunt out something that caught my eye. I had fun with it. 🙂 In the end it was a toss between 2 images. The one I opted for I felt was the better of the two.
[11:34] cazzie (caz.lobo): done
[11:34] Yvette (yvette.arabello): c
[11:34] Duraya: Elfi is next
[11:35] Elfi Siemens: well, i did vote for the theme immediately, because it has been one of my favourites in RL photography
[11:36] Elfi Siemens: and i already knew the same evening where i wanted to do the pic
[11:36] Loony Carabosse – Moretto (louna.perl): C
[11:36] Violette (violette.rembrandt): c
[11:37] Elfi Siemens: tempelhof, btw, very nice place…. i found this factory building there, with the machines and the light… and i found it a nice idea to kinda turn around the DOF
[11:37] Elfi Siemens: so it’s not the background thats blurry, its the foreground and everything behind the window is sharp.
[11:37] Duraya: I liked that a lot
[11:38] onceagain (manoji.yachvili): me too
[11:38] Elfi Siemens: was a quick and rather easy pic for me
[11:38] Elfi Siemens: done
[11:38] Duraya: 🙂
[11:38] Duraya: thank you Elfi
[11:38] Duraya: Yvette you are next on my list
[11:41] Yvette (yvette.arabello): I wanted to do something more conceptual , I thought about buildings , and went looking , but I wanted to give an idea of industrial in a different way , take another angle on it . I like thinking conceptually in photography.
[11:41] Yvette (yvette.arabello): Done
[11:41] Duraya: thank you Yvette
[11:42] Duraya: Loony it’s your turn now please
[11:42] Loony Carabosse – Moretto (louna.perl): It’s a short remark 🙂 Actually, I forgot to add that I thought it’s a great idea to have a theme like that… As Caz was saying, it’s also a lot of pleasure 🙂 I had fun to struggle 🙂
[11:43] Loony Carabosse – Moretto (louna.perl): Done 🙂
[11:44] Duraya: thank you
[11:44] Duraya: now Violette 🙂
[11:45] Violette (violette.rembrandt): For me it was difficult as well because i thought about an idea that i think i didn’t get to succeed when taking the photo, when i heard about the theme i immediately thought about the “modern times” movie, and i get stuck to this idea, but i couldn’t find all the stuff i needed to make it through the idea i had ‘^^ but i tried my best to go with it ! well this how much i struggled ‘^^ it took me 2 days to obtain this result ahahaha, i have a record XD but i had lot of fun ! Done ^^
[11:46] Duraya: thanks Violette – I like the pic a lot
[11:47] Yvette (yvette.arabello): c
[11:47] DaneAlbion: c
[11:47] Loony Carabosse – Moretto (louna.perl): C
[11:47] Duraya: Yvette please
[11:48] Yvette (yvette.arabello): I just wanted to say how well everyone did in their own interpretation of Industrial
[11:48] Yvette (yvette.arabello): Done
[11:48] Duraya: totally agree and thank you for that Yvette
[11:48] Duraya: Dane, you are next 🙂
[11:49] Kika Yongho: c
[11:49] DaneAlbion: I’ve always liked the style of those old Soviet Union propaganda pictures and posters, The Heroic Worker sort of thing, not for any ideological reasons, just the look of them appeals to me so that was the inspiration for my picture.
[11:50] DaneAlbion: done
[11:50] Duraya: Loony – you are next please
[11:51] Loony Carabosse – Moretto (louna.perl): Ah Ah Violette! It shows you worked on that and makes me feel lazzzzzy! Actually, it’s funny, because of the images that theme brings… Often dark and grey… And yes… Inspired by films and photos. I am actually dragged to the few pics in color, now. And I like Dane’s pic also for his way of bringing a character on his pic, (Done)
[11:52] Duraya: thank you
[11:52] Duraya: Kika, your turn now 🙂
[11:53] Kika Yongho: I just wanted to say something about my “vision” of the theme. First thought it came to my mind at the world “Industrial” was the video of “Another brick in the wall” by Pink Floyd.. there are a few good visuals (walking hammers or the meat grinder). But I ended up finding my tool (a wrench) for the joy of the pun “Me MyWrench and I”. The location of the photo is Tralala’s dinner sim. Done 😀
[11:55] Duraya: I have a nasty question for you: What would be the worst theme for you? Why?
[11:55] onceagain (manoji.yachvili): c
[11:55] Duraya: yes once
[11:55] Loony Carabosse – Moretto (louna.perl): Q
[11:55] Elfi Siemens: c
[11:56] onceagain (manoji.yachvili): shot naked people.. because isn’t so simple to do in sl
[11:56] onceagain (manoji.yachvili): I’ve done one once
[11:56] Duraya: yes – they are awfully perfect
[11:56] onceagain (manoji.yachvili): and I have to say that other people appreciate
[11:57] JiggyPoof: I don’t do naked pics 😛
[11:57] onceagain (manoji.yachvili): but isn’t easy to me
[11:57] JiggyPoof: at least not visible 😛
[11:57] onceagain (manoji.yachvili): done
[11:57] Duraya: Loony you have a question
[11:57] onceagain (manoji.yachvili): c
[11:57] Loony Carabosse – Moretto (louna.perl): I am sorry, I missed a few meetings, but was there any moment when you discussed LMs? Like sharing good LMs for pics? And to answer Duraya’s question… No… I like the idea of challenge, actually. Any theme is a challenge 🙂
[11:57] Loony Carabosse – Moretto (louna.perl): (done)
[11:58] Duraya: you will get the list Kika prepared Loony
[11:58] Loony Carabosse – Moretto (louna.perl): Thanks !
[11:58] Duraya: Elfi your turn
[11:59] Elfi Siemens: my worst theme would be weddings, lol
[11:59] Duraya: hahahahaha
[11:59] Duraya: tell us why?
[11:59] Elfi Siemens: too many people, and for some you just can’t make anything right….
[11:59] Duraya: ah yes
[12:00] Duraya: and onceagain
[12:00] onceagain (manoji.yachvili): I saw you Jiggy almost naked in Kika picture eheh ;P
[12:00] Elfi Siemens: and actually…. it’s such an important day for the couple…. i dont want to eff it up, lol
[12:00] Elfi Siemens: done
[12:00] Duraya: thank you
[12:00] JiggyPoof: thats almost naked :p
[12:01] Kika Yongho: c
[12:01] Yvette (yvette.arabello): c
[12:01] Duraya: yes Kika
[12:01] Prins (skylog): c
[12:02] Kika Yongho: I don’t mind to shoot naked people – if the photo is tasteful 😛 But about a bad theme .. There are “hard” ones but the challenge is to find “your” way through it 🙂
[12:02] Kika Yongho: done
[12:02] Loony Carabosse – Moretto (louna.perl): Amen 🙂
[12:02] Duraya: I agree
[12:02] Duraya: Yvette and then Prins as last speaker
[12:03] Yvette (yvette.arabello): I like Escher as an Artist , and it would be nice to find a way on SL to create some pictures like that , done
[12:04] Duraya: Prins are you ready for last words?
[12:04] Prins (skylog): A poem about a person’s feelings could be complicated since there is so many angles to get around and in some case it would reveal a bit of the photograph hiding behind the camera – done
[12:04] Duraya: there would be still a lot to say as always
[12:05] Duraya: I would like to encourage you to IM Kapaan or me about any technical themes you would like to talk about – light, projectors and so on
[12:06] Duraya: and to be honest – sharing this was very personal for me and I’m secretly making up a new challenge 😛
[12:07] Duraya: Please tip the place if you can 🙂
The following Episode #6 will be on Saturday, the 20th of November!
[12:07] Kika Yongho: I have a last info!
[12:07] Kika Yongho: We’re hosting an Expo currently
[12:07] Duraya: And: Our themed exhibition, ‘Folded‘ is still running – if you are interested take a little walk up to the gallery 🙂
[12:07] Duraya: yes – as Kika hinted 🙂
[12:07] Loony Carabosse – Moretto (louna.perl): I visited 🙂 Good job
[12:07] Duraya: thank you Loony
[12:08] Loony Carabosse – Moretto (louna.perl): I’ll let Kika tell you, but we have a small opening tomorrow of our new place 🙂 You’re all welcome to come see!
[12:09] Kika Yongho: Sure Loony 🙂 And yes more info at the Info Kiosk if you like past chat transcripts and stuff 😀
[12:14] Duraya: bye and have a great evening – see you soon 🙂