~ Photo Cafe' ~ Photographers - Episode #59!
~ Chat Transcript ~
1st of June, 2024
"Summer Photo PPQ!"
H.12:00 PM SLT
[The following Episode #60 will be on:
15th of June 2024]
[2024/06/01 12:06:35] Kika Yongho: Hey ho, Photographers!
Great to see you all here again for a new episode! Today we will be #59 and we will be grill..COUGHS.. examining! some of your photos that might need our help and suggestions for an improvement: “Summer Photo BBQ!” is our upcoming episode for you!
[2024/06/01 12:07:32] Kika Yongho: But! As usual, I will entertain you with some useful and sometimes unrelated info just before our beautiful host Josephine will take the reins of the discussion. What is today’s topic? “Discussion etiquette”! Oh la la: bon ton speech today.. Let me wear my white gloves, put on my reading glasses and start this fundamental but also very delicate topic!
[2024/06/01 12:07:59] Ⴆҽҽ (Filipa Emor): xD
[2024/06/01 12:08:34] Kika Yongho: Do you all know our website, yes? We have made a very simple page with the basic “etiquette” for episodes + the discussion’s rules, that you all should know by now – but won’t hurt to remind! Here is the page, feel free to click it and open in your favorite browser! –> https://www.photocafe.news/welcome/
[2024/06/01 12:09:09] Kika Yongho: Click click the link 😀
[2024/06/01 12:09:38] Kika Yongho: Alright you should all have the page open by now. There is an intro about our general purpose, bla bla, and a chapter: “Rules and Etiquette”! This section has got 3 paragraphs: “before the meeting”, “discussion routine” and “during the meeting (manners)”. I would recommend to read it whole but if you are too lazy to read the page – or even to press the text-to-speech button 😛 … I will help with a summary!
[2024/06/01 12:10:11] Kika Yongho: (lazy is good btw gives me a chance to entertain you :P)
[2024/06/01 12:10:23] Ⴆҽҽ (Filipa Emor): (giggles)
[2024/06/01 12:10:51] Kika Yongho: 1. Before the Meeting: our meetings start at 12PM SLT! If you can arrive a couple mins earlier to rez and be seated before the start, the better! Otherwise sneak in! For everyone else: pls greet the newcomers in IM rather than interrupting chat. ^^
Okay point one was easy to summarize! Let’s examine now point 2…
[2024/06/01 12:11:23] Kika Yongho: 2. Discussion Routine: our host Josephine will always remind you our routine before each episode! Basically reserve your turn typing c (comment), q (question) in nearby chat and wait to be called! Typing r (retreat) cancels your reservation to speak, and type “done” when you are done! This should be all but.. We have a trick for you also! Are you curious? Listen here..
[2024/06/01 12:11:58] Kika Yongho: Once you are reserving a turn, start typing your comment/question (on a notecard or in chat, or external notes on your computer!) so when you are called you just have to paste/press enter! It saves much time, and it will be greatly appreciated by all! You also get a chance to re-read when there is a lil queue to wait and maybe you can express your concepts even better this way! Ready for “last but not least” chapter?
[2024/06/01 12:12:46] Kika Yongho: 3. During the meeting (manners): this is a very very simple concept but can as well be very very tricky to apply a respectful and polite behavior, especially during a discussion! But – especially today in a Photo BBQ! – this is important, to preserve the well-being of our usual exchanges of ideas as adult photographers, all interested in a smooth flow! I will try and give you the 2 basic concepts to follow.
[2024/06/01 12:13:46] Kika Yongho: “We believe you can say everything, just put in a respectful way” – this is the most important statement: you have here freedom of speech! We want to hear all opinions: agreeing ones and disagreeing ones! Because this is the way to grow up and out of easy flattery. BUT! Respect is the base of every relationship so, please, count to 10, cool down and breathe before typing! Oooommmm! 😀
[2024/06/01 12:15:00] Kika Yongho: Ask yourself: “how would I feel if they’d say that to me?” – is the second part that I want to point at, cause is an important trick to help you to be in the other person’s shoes (how they say, not literally, uh!) and think out of your box once again. Being polite costs nothing and is the way to be able to say anything, just in a respectful manner! Use this trick freely!
[2024/06/01 12:15:43] Kika Yongho: Bla bla bla.. Long speech today.. But I hear you: we wanna grill the photos!!! YAYYYY!!! \o/ And yes, we are all here for the BBQ sooo.. Let’s get it started without any further delay! Josephine will you please take the fork.. Uhm.. the mic and start this new episode #59: “Summer Photo BBQ!” please? Thank you all for attention, I am done with intro!
[2024/06/01 12:15:50] Kika Yongho: YAY! \o/
[2024/06/01 12:16:14] Josephine Delvalle: Dear photographers and artists, welcome to a new round of our biweekly discussions.
[2024/06/01 12:16:38] Josephine Delvalle: Last time as we talked about what you want for 2024.
[2024/06/01 12:16:53] Josephine Delvalle: One wish was to give each other help. The opportunity to show a photo that you are not 100% satisfied with here in order to receive benevolent, friendly assistance.
[2024/06/01 12:17:13] Josephine Delvalle: Cecilia Nansen gave a nice example that I would like to quote here: Constructive comments – advice. Like ‘if you want this to be minimalistic, a good thing could be to de-render more things’.
[2024/06/01 12:17:31] Josephine Delvalle: This means not criticizing, but giving advice on how the photographer can achieve the desired effect better/easier/clearer.
[2024/06/01 12:17:37] Josephine Delvalle: 🙂
[2024/06/01 12:17:59] Josephine Delvalle: And so we will process the BBQ:
[2024/06/01 12:18:14] Josephine Delvalle: 1) Has anyone brought a photo they would like to discuss?
[2024/06/01 12:18:43] Josephine Delvalle: 2) The others: Please take a moment to let the photo ‘speak’ to you.
[2024/06/01 12:19:05] Josephine Delvalle: 3) Then I would like to ask the photographer to tell us what story the picture should tell/what message he wants to make with it.
[2024/06/01 12:19:26] Josephine Delvalle: 4) Then we can see how accurately the statement resonated with us. Does anyone have an idea how to convey the message even better?
[2024/06/01 12:19:46] Josephine Delvalle: Please keep in mind: It takes a bit of bravery to give a photo for discussion. Stay kind and helpful. 🙂
[2024/06/01 12:19:52] Kika Yongho: ♥
[2024/06/01 12:20:15] Josephine Delvalle: And while everyone is now digging in inventory for a photo … I do the boring routine…
[2024/06/01 12:20:21] Discussion Tracker 3.6: Today’s discussion will be run in the C&Q format.
Please type a c in local chat if you have a comment.
Type a q in local chat if you have a question.
If you wish to withdraw a comment or question, type r.
To post a anonomously, add /1 before your comment.
[2024/06/01 12:20:47] Josephine Delvalle: and dont forget the ‘done’ pls. … it will help me a lot
[2024/06/01 12:21:25] Josephine Delvalle: Has anyone brought a photo they would like to discuss?
[2024/06/01 12:21:35] Moki Yuitza: may i?
[2024/06/01 12:21:50] Josephine Delvalle: 🙂 with pleasure, moki
[2024/06/01 12:21:54] Moki Yuitza: ty °͜°
[2024/06/01 12:22:28] Moki Yuitza: i have a photo i would submit… i took several shots in the same backdrop
[2024/06/01 12:22:42] Moki Yuitza: i liked this one a lot, but it has something that i cannot define
[2024/06/01 12:22:48] Moki Yuitza: and i discharged it
[2024/06/01 12:22:55] Josephine Delvalle: let us see pls
[2024/06/01 12:23:14] Moki Yuitza: i have another one in my queue to publish, but not this one
[2024/06/01 12:23:32] Moki Yuitza: i would like to ask everyone if they can help me to undertsnd what it is wrong in it
[2024/06/01 12:23:37] Josephine Delvalle: you decide, which you will show us
[2024/06/01 12:24:07] Moki Yuitza: here it is
[2024/06/01 12:24:20] Moki Yuitza: raw shot, no photomanipulation at all
[2024/06/01 12:24:27] Josephine Delvalle: ok, wait a min to let the photo talk to us
[2024/06/01 12:25:47] Josephine Delvalle: Moki, pls tell us what story the picture should tell/what message you want to make with it?
[2024/06/01 12:26:24] Moki Yuitza: maybe i’ll destroy a mith, but it is quite unusual that i have a “message in a bottle”when i took a photo 😀
[2024/06/01 12:26:35] Ⴆҽҽ (Filipa Emor): c
[2024/06/01 12:26:54] Moki Yuitza: i just try to have a shot that tells me something
[2024/06/01 12:27:08] Moki Yuitza: maybe something that i do not know before taken it °͜°
[2024/06/01 12:27:16] Moonsoul Kiyori: q
[2024/06/01 12:27:19] Josephine Delvalle: and what do you wish that it tells to you?
[2024/06/01 12:27:42] Moki Yuitza: it gives me a mix of emothin
[2024/06/01 12:28:08] Josephine Delvalle: which emotions?
[2024/06/01 12:28:45] Moki Yuitza: something like… expectation
[2024/06/01 12:28:48] Moki Yuitza: the pose is graceful but tense, the lights are right, but it simply does not work for me
[2024/06/01 12:28:57] Moki Yuitza: and i cannot understand why
[2024/06/01 12:28:59] Kika Yongho: c
[2024/06/01 12:29:24] Roseleiya Resident: c
[2024/06/01 12:29:30] Josephine Delvalle: ok, lets see what the others ‘feel’ and see.
[2024/06/01 12:29:49] Moki Yuitza: °͜°
[2024/06/01 12:30:15] Josephine Delvalle: Rose I guess you lifted your hand for an own photo
[2024/06/01 12:30:40] Josephine Delvalle: so Bee is up to give a hint to Moki
[2024/06/01 12:30:48] Ⴆҽҽ (Filipa Emor): thank you 🐝
[2024/06/01 12:30:56] Roseleiya Resident: I did, but I also want to comment
[2024/06/01 12:31:30] Josephine Delvalle: I see it, I will call you after Moon and Kika
[2024/06/01 12:31:40] Ⴆҽҽ (Filipa Emor): The only thing I would suggest is to change your position into the neon. You placed yourself between two long lights and I think your figure fades a bit. Besides that, the idea is original and I like the mixture of colors. Thank you for sharing it with us Moki.
[2024/06/01 12:31:43] Ⴆҽҽ (Filipa Emor): Done
[2024/06/01 12:32:08] Josephine Delvalle: TY Bee 🙂
[2024/06/01 12:32:11] Moki Yuitza: :))
[2024/06/01 12:32:16] Josephine Delvalle: Moon, pls.
[2024/06/01 12:32:21] Moonsoul Kiyori: I have a question for the group and a comment for Moki’s photo. Question: do we always need to tell a story? Comment: is it possible that the lights are too intense and are making your avatar not so obvious?
[2024/06/01 12:32:30] Moonsoul Kiyori: My comment is similar to Bee’s
[2024/06/01 12:33:00] Moki Yuitza: :))
[2024/06/01 12:33:05] Josephine Delvalle: As I was talking about ‘story’ … 😉
[2024/06/01 12:33:06] Moonsoul Kiyori: done
[2024/06/01 12:33:28] Josephine Delvalle: A photo or a painting always ‘talks’
[2024/06/01 12:33:54] Josephine Delvalle: telling a story, waking an emotion, giving a smile, tickling a thought …
[2024/06/01 12:34:30] Josephine Delvalle: so ‘story’ is just a synonym for that
[2024/06/01 12:34:40] Moonsoul Kiyori: thank you
[2024/06/01 12:34:52] Josephine Delvalle: Kika your turn pls
[2024/06/01 12:35:00] Kika Yongho: Thank you Josephine 🙂
[2024/06/01 12:35:08] Kika Yongho: I like very much the backdrop used with the neon lights and the simplicity of the scene, but to my non-expert eye it is missing a “coherent” spacial depth. I explain: the top part of the photo hints the 3d space, but is cut on the bottom, so it confuses the eye a bit (mine at least!). Maybe that was intentional but the “expectation” would speak louder in a 3d space to me. Done 🙂
[2024/06/01 12:35:31] Moki Yuitza: :))
[2024/06/01 12:35:58] Josephine Delvalle: TY, Kika
[2024/06/01 12:36:05] Josephine Delvalle: Rose pls 🙂
[2024/06/01 12:36:20] Roseleiya Resident: In my opinion it’s a good picture and you just need to edit it a little bit to pull it together. I think maybe it’s because the lightrays coming from the lamps are not big enough, you could put some kind of overlay on the pic to wash the lights together more. Maybe just blurring the whole picture except the avatar would be nice, since the outlines of the lights are a little harsh. Done
[2024/06/01 12:36:43] Igi (Igielka Resident): C
[2024/06/01 12:37:17] Josephine Delvalle: TY, Rose 🙂
[2024/06/01 12:37:37] Moki Yuitza: :))
[2024/06/01 12:37:40] Josephine Delvalle: and Igi, pls
[2024/06/01 12:38:20] Igi (Igielka Resident): I agree with Rose, there is about avi, is too much hide, as you are the main thneme you should be more visible with nice blurr
[2024/06/01 12:38:24] Igi (Igielka Resident): done
[2024/06/01 12:38:50] Josephine Delvalle: TY Igi 🙂
[2024/06/01 12:38:53] Moki Yuitza: :))
[2024/06/01 12:39:11] Josephine Delvalle: Moki, was it helpfull?
[2024/06/01 12:39:22] Josephine Delvalle: Did you want talk/ask about?
[2024/06/01 12:39:36] Moki Yuitza: a lot, thank you all, i have some hints to reflect on
[2024/06/01 12:39:54] Josephine Delvalle: :-))
[2024/06/01 12:40:00] Kika Yongho: /me claps!
[2024/06/01 12:40:09] Josephine Delvalle: That’s how it is meant to be
[2024/06/01 12:40:09] Moki Yuitza: thank you :))
[2024/06/01 12:40:29] Moki Yuitza: °͜°
[2024/06/01 12:40:35] Josephine Delvalle: TY to Moki and TY to the others
[2024/06/01 12:40:56] Josephine Delvalle: And Rose is dgging in inventory aaaand…
[2024/06/01 12:41:12] Josephine Delvalle: has a photo for us
[2024/06/01 12:41:49] Roseleiya Resident: yes, can I just drop it on the canvas? is it my turn?
[2024/06/01 12:42:14] Josephine Delvalle: should work or you give afullpern one to Kika
[2024/06/01 12:43:08] Josephine Delvalle: CTRL and fullperm is the secret (I always mix that up)
[2024/06/01 12:43:09] Kika Yongho: Voila’ !
[2024/06/01 12:43:17] Roseleiya Resident: oh thank you
[2024/06/01 12:43:37] Josephine Delvalle: Ok, we take a minute to let the phot talk to us ….
[2024/06/01 12:44:22] Josephine Delvalle: Rose, can you tell us, what do you wanted the photo to tell …?
[2024/06/01 12:44:41] Roseleiya Resident: So I took this photo at the ‘alone’ experience sim, maybe some of you are familliar with the place. I didn’t really have any specific feeling that I wanted to convey, I just really liked the atmosphere of the place and wanted to capture it. I took several pictures but in the end none of them really catched my eyes. So usually I like to use editing to pull it together and have some kind of complete experience while looking at the picture. Now in this picture my problem is that I like the lighting, but I’m not sure if I should edit a little light on the face, since there’s a candle emitting light on the picture. Also I’m thinking I took the picture too much up close, maybe It would tell some kind of story better from a distance.
[2024/06/01 12:45:32] Igi (Igielka Resident): c
[2024/06/01 12:45:33] Moonsoul Kiyori: c
[2024/06/01 12:45:53] Josephine Delvalle: TY Rose 🙂
[2024/06/01 12:45:58] Josephine Delvalle: and we start with Igi
[2024/06/01 12:46:34] Igi (Igielka Resident): I really love that one, but yes I agree it need some light on your face at least candle is close to you
[2024/06/01 12:46:52] Igi (Igielka Resident): done
[2024/06/01 12:47:02] Josephine Delvalle: TY Igi
[2024/06/01 12:47:08] Josephine Delvalle: Moon pls …
[2024/06/01 12:47:13] Moonsoul Kiyori: You have used the light and darkness in a very artistic way! I am wondering how it would feel with a little more light on your face as you already said Rose. done
[2024/06/01 12:47:36] Josephine Delvalle: nods, TY Moon
[2024/06/01 12:47:42] Josephine Delvalle: anyone else?
[2024/06/01 12:48:06] Igi (Igielka Resident): c
[2024/06/01 12:48:10] Josephine Delvalle: Igi
[2024/06/01 12:48:15] Moki Yuitza: c
[2024/06/01 12:48:21] Ⴆҽҽ (Filipa Emor): c
[2024/06/01 12:48:50] Igi (Igielka Resident): if may suggest try use some face light for image like that, which give nice shadow but still let you face be in light
[2024/06/01 12:49:08] Igi (Igielka Resident): done
[2024/06/01 12:49:19] Josephine Delvalle: TY Igi
[2024/06/01 12:49:27] Josephine Delvalle: Moki, pls …
[2024/06/01 12:49:36] Moki Yuitza: ty Josephine °͜°
[2024/06/01 12:50:00] Moki Yuitza: i like this image so much, it reminds me Johannes Vermeer °͜°
[2024/06/01 12:50:08] Josephine Delvalle: :-))
[2024/06/01 12:50:42] Moki Yuitza: there is a paint named Lady Standing at Virginal, that comes immediately to my iind
[2024/06/01 12:50:58] Moki Yuitza: btw, for me the image is quite perfect, just a bit unbalanced…
[2024/06/01 12:51:20] Moki Yuitza: the dark area on the right side is too heavy compared to the brighter one on the left
[2024/06/01 12:51:38] maizon Rayna: is offline.
[2024/06/01 12:52:07] Moki Yuitza: like Vermeer, he used to balance the light from one side with light from the other side, from the back of the female figures
[2024/06/01 12:52:09] Moki Yuitza: done °͜°
[2024/06/01 12:52:19] Josephine Delvalle: TY Moki 🙂
[2024/06/01 12:52:25] Josephine Delvalle: Bee pls …
[2024/06/01 12:52:39] Ⴆҽҽ (Filipa Emor): Moon, Igi and Moki touched the core. The light is unbalanced between your body and your head. If you give some light to your face, the picture will be perfect. It’s really beautiful! Thank you for sharing with us 🐝 Done
[2024/06/01 12:53:27] Josephine Delvalle: TY Bee 🙂
[2024/06/01 12:53:29] DaneAlbion Resident: c
[2024/06/01 12:53:40] Josephine Delvalle: Dane, go on ..
[2024/06/01 12:54:47] DaneAlbion Resident: i would agree that the face needs a touch of light but it need not be too much, even a subtle flash of light just to break up the flat, low contrast might help. But overall a lovely, dreamlike image
[2024/06/01 12:54:49] DaneAlbion Resident: done
[2024/06/01 12:55:16] Kika Yongho: /me nods
[2024/06/01 12:55:18] Josephine Delvalle: TY Dane 🙂
[2024/06/01 12:56:00] Josephine Delvalle: I am the host and not a photographer, but that picture is special, so allow me …
[2024/06/01 12:56:10] Ⴆҽҽ (Filipa Emor): smiles
[2024/06/01 12:56:40] Josephine Delvalle: Yes, the in darkness hiden face …. triggers us … let us see the face …
[2024/06/01 12:56:48] Roseleiya Resident: ahah
[2024/06/01 12:57:18] Josephine Delvalle: and the position of the candle would allow to give a bit light beside to the chest also to lower part of the face
[2024/06/01 12:57:27] Igi (Igielka Resident): c
[2024/06/01 12:58:29] Josephine Delvalle: but to light up the face much more would (for me) destroy the the special magic and talking of the photo ..
[2024/06/01 12:59:03] Josephine Delvalle: cough
[2024/06/01 12:59:06] Josephine Delvalle: Done
[2024/06/01 12:59:19] Josephine Delvalle: and Igi will close discussion
[2024/06/01 13:00:02] Igi (Igielka Resident): Yes, it not should be light like make whole face in light still left some shadow…but still not make face whole in shadow if you know what I mean 🙂
[2024/06/01 13:00:06] Igi (Igielka Resident): done
[2024/06/01 13:00:19] Josephine Delvalle: TY Igi
[2024/06/01 13:00:40] Josephine Delvalle: Rose anything helpfull?
[2024/06/01 13:00:47] Roseleiya Resident: Thank you all so much you really gave me good advice and now I’m more sure how to go about this picture. I definitely wanted some extent of mystery to the picture, but I did go overboard with the darkness, luckily I think I will be able to lighten the face and maybe even lighten the right side as one of you pointed out it might be a bit too dark also.
[2024/06/01 13:02:07] Josephine Delvalle: Done, Rose?
[2024/06/01 13:02:15] Roseleiya Resident: yes sorry Done
[2024/06/01 13:02:20] Josephine Delvalle: smiles
[2024/06/01 13:02:41] Josephine Delvalle: Thank you Rose and TY again to the others
[2024/06/01 13:02:59] Josephine Delvalle: Was a great discussion … claps hands for all
[2024/06/01 13:03:07] Ⴆҽҽ (Filipa Emor): ♥
[2024/06/01 13:03:12] Igi (Igielka Resident): (yay!)
[2024/06/01 13:03:12] Igi (Igielka Resident): \ o /
[2024/06/01 13:03:12] Igi (Igielka Resident): | |
[2024/06/01 13:03:12] Igi (Igielka Resident): / \
[2024/06/01 13:03:12] Kika Yongho: /me nods nods
[2024/06/01 13:03:21] Moki Yuitza: >^͜^<
[2024/06/01 13:03:23] Josephine Delvalle: Next meeting will be 15th June
[2024/06/01 13:03:27] Kika Yongho: YAY! \o/
[2024/06/01 13:03:39] Josephine Delvalle: Have some lovely summer days, see you soon