~ Photo Cafe' ~ Photographers - Episode #52!
~ Chat Transcript ~
10th of February, 2024
"20 Questions to.. Peterkes Beaton!"
H.12:00 PM SLT
[The following Episode #53 will be on:
24th of February 2024]
[12:04] Kika Yongho: Good evening Photo Cafe’!
[12:04] Kika Yongho: And welcome everyone to a new episode, titled “20 Questions to.. Peterkes!” – which means we will be hosting today a live interview with a fellow photographer! Are you thrilled to get to know him? Are you all comfortably sitting? Let’s start then with a presentation of today’s guest!
[12:05] Kika Yongho: Pᴇᴛᴇʀ (peterkes.beaton) is a multi-talented personality. On his SL profile he defines self as: “Wandering sl – Music lover- Blogger”, and he adds his Flickr stream, that I will paste here for you to start and see his works:
[12:06] Kika Yongho: He has been modest, uh? He is also a very talented SL photographer, who can express and communicate feelings through his virtual SL lens! He is also a “music lover” (and a DJ on SL!), reason why you can find a tune carefully picked for each of his photos, which will bring a layer of sound depth to the image.
[12:06] Kika Yongho: Speaking about his photography, some of his works has been exhibiting in March 2023 at Lanne Wise’s BEBU Gallery. The expo was titled “My Name is Human: The Condition of Digital Life” and in that occasion Lanne wrote a very nice article about Peter, that you can read here:
[12:08] Kika Yongho: Back then Lanne wrote about the exhibit:
Beaton describes himself as somebody who “works or lives on emotions”. Bringing those emotions to an image with a solitary figure is the “most simple way for me to do for this. Being in my own mind set – in my “own” world brings me ideas…. When you showed me the [images you selected] I could almost remember each emotion.”
[12:09] Kika Yongho: This focus on emotions we can notice also in his most recent Flickr stream, although, about the specific exhibit, Lanne noticed that:
“Many of his images play with this idea or theme of being solitary – alone.”
Which – we can see – has been changing especially since his partnership with his FunkyG, who is also a Flickr photographer, and who surely inspired many beautiful pictures!
[12:11] Kika Yongho: Last but not least.. He is also a blogger for SL fashion brands, which is a good challenge by itself! It will be interesting to chat about all of this and more about Peter, to whom we will now ask our first 7 “House Questions”, before letting you go and ask your own curiosities and topics that for sure will arise! To do so, I will leave now the word to Josephine, our wonderful host, who is gonna go on with the live interview with Peterkes Beaton! Thank you and I am done for the intro!
[12:12] Josephine Delvalle: Good evening, Peter, we are happy that you are with us today instead of celebrating carnival
[12:13] Pᴇᴛᴇʀ (peterkes.beaton): thank you for having me
[12:13] Josephine Delvalle: Ok, let’s start
[12:13] Josephine Delvalle: 1. Who are you? Define yourself in 3 words or a motto.
[12:14] Pᴇᴛᴇʀ (peterkes.beaton): Well my name is Peter I’m from Belgium and i am 46 springs young. My motto in life is, ‘It is what it is’
[12:14] Josephine Delvalle: 2. How does your background affect your work?
[12:15] Pᴇᴛᴇʀ (peterkes.beaton): Doesn’t affect my work to much i think. To be honest i go with the flow.
[12:16] Josephine Delvalle: 3. Does photography help you in other areas of your life?
[12:16] Pᴇᴛᴇʀ (peterkes.beaton): No i don’t have that feeling. Is a way of expressing feelings but is not something that helps in rl.
[12:16] Josephine Delvalle: Interesting, maybe we will have questions later regarding to that
[12:17] Josephine Delvalle: 4. When do you use B/W and when color for your photo?
[12:17] Pᴇᴛᴇʀ (peterkes.beaton): Black and white i use most of the time when there are emotions in pictures because b/w expresses those feelings more.
[12:18] Josephine Delvalle: 5. Show us your favorite photo of someone else, and tell us why is it so.
[12:18] Pᴇᴛᴇʀ (peterkes.beaton): I took this one out of many others. The title demons is something we all deal with in a way and the way the dog stand over Funky is the perfect expression how demons can hold us down. Her face expresses rest and peace on the other hand meaning she have it under control.
[12:20] Josephine Delvalle: 6. Show us your favorite photo you took, and tell us why is it so.
[12:20] Pᴇᴛᴇʀ (peterkes.beaton): This one is one of my favorites with the simple reason it is who we are in rl and what we enjoy the most being close to each other. Is our home.
[12:23] Josephine Delvalle: And now, dear photographers and artists, it’s your turn
[12:25] v ɪ ᴄ (victoria.worbridge): q
[12:26] Manuel Caeran: q
[12:26] Josephine Delvalle: Vic please
[12:27] v ɪ ᴄ (victoria.worbridge): well, so mine is a two parter first, is a comment, or something I found interesting…
[12:27] v ɪ ᴄ (victoria.worbridge): your motto is a very Taoist perspective… it’s interesting you mentioned the image of Funky with the dog as you seeing her keeping the demons under control, but I wonder, if your subconscious with your motto in mind, is almost feeling a peaceful submission to those demons… also you and funky often have a his/hers versions of your poses and I’m curious about the differences in your lens/viewpoints and if you could speak to how you two work as muses for one another? Done
[12:28] Pᴇᴛᴇʀ (peterkes.beaton): I think the vision we have on our poses/ pics often is different specially the single ones we do. The couple poses we almost always have the same feeling going on just an other way of taking pictures
[12:29] Pᴇᴛᴇʀ (peterkes.beaton): Funky has changed my way of taking pictures in a lot of ways with other perspectives. And we have an unique way of doing the pics together on my or her pc in teamviewer and each does his /her pics works and connect us the best
[12:26] Josephine Delvalle: Manuel please
[12:26] Manuel Caeran: what do you recommend to future bloggers? Done
[12:28] Pᴇᴛᴇʀ (peterkes.beaton): i can recommend do it at your own pace and don’t go into deadline takes the fun away and needs to stay fun
[12:29] Igi (igielka): q
[12:30] Josephine Delvalle: Igi, please
[12:31] Igi (igielka): When you make blogger image on what do you focus more, to show the product, make an art image or both. Done
[12:34] Lanne Wise: Q
[12:34] Pᴇᴛᴇʀ (peterkes.beaton): In my blog pics i try always try to focus on the product, this comes out of my rl. And with playing around long enough it can come out in an arty way
[12:35] Pᴇᴛᴇʀ (peterkes.beaton): i personaly think most bloggers are making the mistake to add too much and not on one product. Done
[12:35] Igi (igielka): c
[12:35] Josephine Delvalle: Lanne, your turn
[12:36] Lanne Wise: Following up on Vic’s question…Are you saying you talk about the images you take together ahead of time? How? Poses – lighting? etc….I am really interested in this idea of collaboration – especially since the Lygon exhibit. (They refused to say anything about it at all – so I was left to my own devices in starting to write about it.) And I do want to write more about it – because it is really on my mind….not just collaborating couples – but that is where I am starting…with couples who work on art together…so I want to hear more (done)
[12:38] Pᴇᴛᴇʀ (peterkes.beaton): No we don’t really talk in front we just take pose / blog item and go with the flow. For us seeing what we do and helping each other in posing some lights is like a real collaborative team work i think. We feel like we are one
[12:39] Pᴇᴛᴇʀ (peterkes.beaton): and we can tell you all about it if you need to know more if you give Funky wine. done
[12:39] v ɪ ᴄ (victoria.worbridge): c
[12:39] Lanne Wise: thank you
[12:40] Josephine Delvalle: We have Igi now
[12:45] Igi (igielka): I want to comment, I’m a blogger too, not big, small, sometimes I feel I lose the art when I create a blog image, do you feel that too sometimes ?
[12:46] Pᴇᴛᴇʀ (peterkes.beaton): sometimes i do feel pictures are not arty enough but product shooting is something different for me. I have a rl company as side business in graphic design and that product comes first so yeah the art gets lost now and then. Done
[12:46] Igi (igielka): oh yes, I have the same
[12:46] Josephine Delvalle: and Vic, please
[12:47] Igi (igielka): q
[12:49] v ɪ ᴄ (victoria.worbridge): Just wanted to say that I appreciate your intuitive lens, there’s not too much over-thinking or stressing about what the image is saying, you simply move and work as you see fit or what’s attractive to you and then leave it up for interpretation and move on and as someone who has tends to be more critical and over-thinks everything I can respect how you work through your images. so thank you for your perspective! Done
[12:51] Pᴇᴛᴇʀ (peterkes.beaton): Going with the flow over thinking i did in the past and in the end i ended up with a pic i didn’t like and could start over again. Done
[12:51] v ɪ ᴄ (victoria.worbridge): yes my oc perfectionism could never do that.
[12:51] Pᴇᴛᴇʀ (peterkes.beaton): learn it is what it is
[12:51] v ɪ ᴄ (victoria.worbridge): see I think it’s like “it is what you make it”
[12:51] Josephine Delvalle: and Igi again
[12:54] Igi (igielka): Do you ever feel you want to leave blogging as it stifles your artistic side? Like it takes away your creative freedom?
[12:54] v ɪ ᴄ (victoria.worbridge): q
[12:55] Pᴇᴛᴇʀ (peterkes.beaton): no i never have that feeling i just don’t blog what i don’t want. I only have 3 brands i do because I love them the rest i don’t even bother, putting pressure on people is not helping
[12:56] Pᴇᴛᴇʀ (peterkes.beaton): how many people stop because of that ? We are all here for fun. Done.
[12:56] Igi (igielka): I don’t know, some work I did just did not give me an art vibe. Done
[12:56] Pᴇᴛᴇʀ (peterkes.beaton): does a pic need an art vibe? Your own vision is the art
[12:56] Lanne Wise: c
[12:56] Josephine Delvalle: and Vic
[12:58] v ɪ ᴄ (victoria.worbridge): do you use any tools or software shout outs? Done
[12:59] Pᴇᴛᴇʀ (peterkes.beaton): photoshop for editing with some filters
[12:59] Josephine Delvalle: Can we do Lannes comment?
[12:59] Lanne Wise: I was just going to say that in my observation – most people stop doing art rather than commercial work – because they need the money…that is such a push/pull thing that everyone wrestles with. Done
[13:00] Pᴇᴛᴇʀ (peterkes.beaton): if you see the majority of people doing pics its not about art anymore or a few, its all about getting as much as possible stuff on a pic. If they demand it, it stops for me
[13:00] Lanne Wise: you mean in here, the blog stuff?
[13:01] Pᴇᴛᴇʀ (peterkes.beaton): yeah you can’t be arty if you need to put at least 3 items in a blog pic. Done
[13:02] Josephine Delvalle: Thank you for being here and for giving us such generous insights into your work, Peter
[13:03] Josephine Delvalle: And also thanks to the photographers for the many interesting questions.
[13:03] Pᴇᴛᴇʀ (peterkes.beaton): thank you for having me and thank you all for questions and comments.
[13:03] Josephine Delvalle: It was interesting, it was fun, it was great!
[13:03] Kika Yongho: Thank you everyone , meet you again in 2 weeks !
[13:03] Josephine Delvalle: Thank you and cheers, next Cafe will be the 24th February.