~ Photo Cafe' ~ Photographers - Episode #50!
~ Chat Transcript ~
13th of January, 2024
"Photographer vs. Picture Snapper!"
H.12:00 PM SLT
[The following Episode #51 will be on:
27th of January 2024]
[12:06] Kika Yongho: Hello Photographers!
Great to be here again with all of you after the holidays break! Hi5 and congrats for making it through another full and busy period! We are now in a new year and our first episode for 2024 is also our “gold anniversary”: episode #50! Exciting, no?
[12:07] Kika Yongho: I know you can’t wait to dive into the new topics that we have been preparing for you! The first one, after the welcome back greetings is.. Our new “In The Spot” picture for the Winter season of 2024! You can see it here in the easel towards the beach (click for the info notecard!) and/or take a peek at it on our website, here:
[12:07] Kika Yongho: If you have been fast enough, you will already know that the photo is titled: “Wild Horses with Grain” and it has been taken by Sio Skytower! You can admire it on the easel in the spot starting in January up to the end of March, 2024!
[12:08] Loony Carabosse – Moretto (louna.perl): Congrats Sio !
[12:08] A. (ava.darkheart): i can hear the noise of the snow under the horses
[12:09] Kika Yongho: Sio says about it: “It’s a wonderful honor to share a vision of Winter with everyone. I go by feel on almost everything, with a bit of planning and a bit of ‘roll with the situation’ in all photos. Once I was asked to contribute, I had the lovely Onceagain suggest I stop by her Fading Shadows sim for inspiration and it totally hooked me. There are so many inspired Winter scenes and the horses in the field felt like right way of capturing the moment, where it’s cool, but not lonely in the forest with the beauty of Winter all around. Everyone should visit, it’s breathtaking.”
[12:10] Kika Yongho: We thank you so much, Sio, for joining our Seasonal Photo Expo with your lovely picture and nice words in support of it!
[12:11] Kika Yongho: And now, photographers.. are you ready for us to start our episode #50 of the Photo Cafe’? The title today is very interesting, I can’t wait to hear what contribution you will give to this.. “Discussion is Gold (50th episode)”! But for this I will need to pass the word to our host Josephine who will lead and moderate the chat! And roger and out I go!
[12:12] Josephine Delvalle: Thank you, Kika
[12:12] Josephine Delvalle: Dear photographers and artists, a happy, healthy and creative New Year to all of you
[12:12] Josephine Delvalle: This episode of the Photo Cafe is a special one. It’s the 50th and therefore an anniversary. A reason and an opportunity to look back and look forward.
[12:13] Josephine Delvalle: Look back, what did we have? Looking ahead, what is desired, which topics would you like to delve into more deeply? Ideas you might have had for discussions that weren’t chosen?
[12:13] Josephine Delvalle: Lets start with a look back.
[12:16] Sio Skytower: c
[12:17] Josephine Delvalle: Sio, please
[12:20] Sio Skytower: I am new to the group so I have only seen the last 4-5 subjects, I can say the discussion with Cecililia was really nice to hear her approach – loved that. My big ask going forward would be tips/tricks about using Black Dragon vs other viewers and things like “oversaturated” or other approaches with in-world vs post process. We all do what we do, how we do it, and sharing can be really interesting – done
[12:21] Josephine Delvalle: Cecilia, your turn
[12:23] Cecilia Nansen: Well…I think back in time there was a group on Flickr, where we helped each other – when a person posed a picture, ppl would add comments. Constructive comments – advice. Like ‘if you want this to be minimalistic, a good thing could be to de-render more things’. It was done in a kind way – as i remember. It takes a bit of bravery to post, but i did like it, because i was so new and getting others perspective was nice
[12:24] . S y m . ™ (symmetryskyline): c
[12:24] Josephine Delvalle: So, you would like to have it here again, Cecilia?
[12:25] Cecilia Nansen: yes – it was an idea. not a group on Flickr, but maybe to make a session here
[12:25] Josephine Delvalle: Sym, please
[12:25] . S y m . ™ (symmetryskyline): Regarding Cecilia’s comment about the Flickr group that offered constructive comments. As a novice photographer, this would be very helpful and a way to hear alternative points of view. Done.
[12:26] Josephine Delvalle: Thanks Sym. Is there a topic from the past meetings that you think was discussed too briefly or too superficially? And you would like to delve into a bit deeper?
[12:26] Moki Yuitza: c
[12:27] Josephine Delvalle: Moki
[12:27] A. (ava.darkheart): c
[12:27] Moki Yuitza: one topic i would like to see again on the table is AI
[12:28] Moki Yuitza: artificial intelligence, and not because we did not talk enough previously, but time passes so fast and things change quickly
[12:29] Moki Yuitza: moreover, people here are different, a lot of them are new i think it could be interesting to se what is changed since then. Done
[12:30] Josephine Delvalle: Is there any special aspect you would like to discuss AI or generally?
[12:30] Moki Yuitza: just the personal approach to that, last time it was a hard fight
[12:30] Loony Carabosse – Moretto (louna.perl): c
[12:31] Josephine Delvalle: smiles, we will hand out harnesses next time. Ava is next
[12:32] A. (ava.darkheart): I liked the “photographer vs pictures snapper” subject, i think it’s an open door to many subject, more vast about art in general, but also because since then i’ve watched a docu series called “tales by light” produced by Canon (and on Netflix) that really enlighted me about this topic, specially to realise that “snapping” isnt a pejorative word or way of working. And on AI, Kika know she can count on me to set the meeting on fire if needed. Done
[12:33] Kika Yongho: We got firemen
[12:33] A. (ava.darkheart):
[12:34] Josephine Delvalle: Would you like to continue the theme “photographer vs pictures snapper” later Ava, Maybe from a certain point of view?
[12:35] A. (ava.darkheart): in a later meeting? Yes why not, i really think we have a lot of explore again there.
[12:37] Josephine Delvalle: And now it is up to Loony
[12:37] Loony Carabosse – Moretto (louna.perl): I am unfortunately not online when the Photo Café is… Still, I like the little challenge! For me it was a first last year and i’d love it to remain in 2024. And.. I’m a snapper and one with lots of works after, so I’m curious
[12:38] Josephine Delvalle: So you would like to be again ‘challenged’?
[12:38] Loony Carabosse – Moretto (louna.perl): Seriously I’m so pissed I missed the discussion about snappers. I always love to be challenged! I love the small challenges in the group
[12:39] Josephine Delvalle: smiles, we will keep that in mind
[12:39] Loony Carabosse – Moretto (louna.perl): And about snappers, count me in the next session. Done
[12:39] Josephine Delvalle: Is there anything that makes you say: hey, why haven’t we talked about this before? Or: why don’t we do that..?
[12:40] Moki Yuitza: c
[12:41] . S y m . ™ (symmetryskyline): c
[12:41] Josephine Delvalle: Moki, please
[12:42] Moki Yuitza: unlucky i missed a lot of episodes last year, so i’m not sure the topic is never been approached before, but i love to watch people while working so, why not think about following one photographer during his/her entire process? not post production, i mean in world.
[12:43] Moki Yuitza: he/she could talk and show how start they start their ideas, how to set the scene or frame a landscape, something like that. Done
[12:43] Josephine Delvalle: Wow, that would be new
[12:44] Cecilia Nansen: we could share on Discord, yes
[12:44] Moki Yuitza: we could do this by ourselves, one at time, volunteers, obviously
[12:45] Josephine Delvalle: nods, Just like an intern follows the ‘old master’
[12:45] . S y m . ™ (symmetryskyline): is there a Photo Cafe’ discord?
[12:46] Kika Yongho: No we don’t have a server on Discord
[12:47] Josephine Delvalle: But Sym, you have a comment
[12:47] . S y m . ™ (symmetryskyline): Not new, however I’ve seen Prompt groups on Flickr, that might be nice for those struggling with a topic/theme. Done.
[12:47] Kika Yongho: c
[12:47] Josephine Delvalle: Kika
[12:48] Kika Yongho: About Discord, I would like to ask who’s got a Discord.. Cause if not all could follow on it , we can as well find a way to stream the vid inworld for all, was more a question / poll. Done
[12:48] Sio Skytower: << Has discord
[12:48] . S y m . ™ (symmetryskyline): << Has discord
[12:48] A. (ava.darkheart): do not have and wont :p
[12:49] DaneAlbion: i’m also in the anti-Discord camp
[12:49] Moki Yuitza: i have it and i HATE it
[12:50] Cecilia Nansen: i have Discord – skype works too
[12:49] Kika Yongho: We can stream inworld
[12:49] . S y m . ™ (symmetryskyline): or post to both?
[12:50] Josephine Delvalle: Sym, can you explain what you mean with prompt group on Flickr and how it would fit in photo cafe meetings?
[12:51] . S y m . ™ (symmetryskyline): Sure. A thought or idea for a photo. It helps people struggling with “block” or motivation to create, a few words or a sentence.
[12:51] Kika Yongho: c
[12:52] Josephine Delvalle: Thank you Sym, Kika, your turn, please
[12:52] Kika Yongho: Reply to Sym Some of our members founded a Flickr group named “Bi-weekly themed photo challenges”. We have them post the bi-weekly themes in our SL group. Done
[12:52] . S y m . ™ (symmetryskyline): Yes, I’m in that too.
[12:53] G o o d C r o s s (goodcross): c
[12:53] Josephine Delvalle: GoodCross, please
[12:53] . S y m . ™ (symmetryskyline): Usually the Prompt groups, post a list of 50 or 100 topics and people can complete during a specified time, e.g., a year.
[12:54] Josephine Delvalle: ahhh, ok, and such a list you would like to have for the photo cafe, I understand
[12:54] G o o d C r o s s (goodcross): i used to have a gallery, i invited artists to create their vision on 3 poses i gave them, the poses were really crappy but they did an astounding job. just another way to challenge the creative juices. Done
[12:55] Josephine Delvalle: That is a really fresh idea, GoodCross
[12:56] G o o d C r o s s (goodcross): c
[12:56] Josephine Delvalle: Goodcross again
[12:57] Moki Yuitza: c
[12:57] G o o d C r o s s (goodcross): ok here is another one, there was this person who hosted what she called “Crown” where she would pass the crown to one person, and this person has the crown for a month. the rule is they can only post a pic with a crown on their flickr, they can decide on frequency. Done
[12:58] A. (ava.darkheart): c
[12:58] Cecilia Nansen: I remember that, great idea too
[12:58] Josephine Delvalle: I see, we will have a lot of fun with new years challenges, Moki please
[12:59] Moki Yuitza: first, thanks to Goodcross, great hints for challenges, far beyond the simple “theme” challenge
[13:01] Moki Yuitza: about the time to complete each challenge, quickly or not, i just want to say that imho they should be not too short.
[13:01] G o o d C r o s s (goodcross): c
[13:02] Moki Yuitza: as maybe some of the olders here remember, i have problem to follow a themed challenge, i am simply not able to think “in Theme”, but i am a desperate case, just please do not set the completion date too short. Done
[13:03] Josephine Delvalle: Good point, Moki
[13:03] Josephine Delvalle: And we have Ava and than GoodCross will finally close the discussion for today, Ava, please
[13:05] A. (ava.darkheart): That reminds me of the “Chair” thing few years ago in flickr, i dont remember well the context, i think it was art exhibit with some chairs and people were invited to shoot their own photo on those chairs, to show their own vision. Perhaps add a platform in the Cafe with a monthly or bi monthly small, simple/minimalist scene, and encourage people to show their own version… the idea is a bit similar to the themed picture, but also to promote this Photo Café place and activities. Done
[13:05] Kika Yongho: Nice!
[13:07] Josephine Delvalle: Ok, GoodCross, the final comment for this evening is yours.
[13:08] G o o d C r o s s (goodcross): so here is another interesting idea. I used to have a flickr group where I would post the first pic and then tag another person to create the follow up picture. the only condition is that there has to be some storyline and a connection between the first and the following pic. They can tag someone and they continue the story into any direction they wish. this was really a fun project. done
[13:08] . S y m . ™ (symmetryskyline): Like photo madlibs?
[13:09] G o o d C r o s s (goodcross): sure !
[13:09] Josephine Delvalle: ahh, I know that with sentences, but with pictures it is a harder challenge
[13:09] G o o d C r o s s (goodcross): and they have to post in a week, its really fun
[13:09] Josephine Delvalle: 2 weeks for Moki and others
[13:10] . S y m . ™ (symmetryskyline): Telling a story with photos…whoever is chosen will “decide” the next theme in the story.
[13:10] G o o d C r o s s (goodcross): the reason we focus on the story is so that artists don’t sweat so much about perfecting the quality of the pic
[13:10] Moki Yuitza: to have the connection as a cadavre exquise, each photo could take an element from the previous, i mean an object, something like that.
[13:10] Josephine Delvalle: yes, Moki …
[13:11] Josephine Delvalle: it needs something to be handed over
[13:12] Josephine Delvalle: Thank you, THAT was really a good start in new years meetings, a fun one.
[13:12] Kika Yongho: Thank you so much everyone for making a memorable 50th!
[13:13] Josephine Delvalle: Hope to see you all again in two weeks.
[13:13] Kika Yongho: https://www.photocafe.news/events/
[13:14] Josephine Delvalle: See you at 27th again