~ Photo Cafe' ~ Photographers - Episode #38!
~ Chat Transcript ~
17th of June, 2023
"Fun Photo Challenge #7!"
H.12:00 PM SLT
[The following Episode #39 will be on:
1st of July 2023]
[12:11] Duraya: Hello everyone, welcome to our bi-weekly Photo cafe. Hope you are all fine
[12:12] Duraya: Kika has some announcements
[12:14] Kika Yongho: Hello Photographers!
Welcome and good to see you again for a new captivating episode of the Photo Cafe’: we want your photos! Minimalistic, to start with, but also…
[12:14] Kika Yongho: Do you all know how our recurrent Expo “In The Spot” works? It is a quarterly display of one single seasonal photo. The current photo is by Moki, and it is our Spring photo! You can see it online and also here in the lounge on the easel at the chat circle entrance. Touching the easel will give you a note with the photo details.
[12:15] Kika Yongho: For this Expo, every 3 months we will display here and on the web, a photo representing the season indicated in the schedule below:
Spring = April->June
Summer = July->September
Autumn = October->December
Winter = January→March
[12:16] Kika Yongho: You can read how the expo works also on our website at this section:
and also click on the link to Browse All The Photos. These are the current/past ones but.. What about the upcoming month? We will need a volunteer to picture Summer, and the volunteer will be…
[12:16] Kika Yongho: We don’t know yet! But, if you feel like taking the task, don’t be afraid to hit my IM box and let me know! You have time, before the end of the episode, to offer your SL camera for the mono-photo-expo and save one fellow photographer from being volunteered in case no one else does!
[12:17] onceagain (manoji.yachvili): Ok I do
[12:18] Duraya: onceagain, you will do it?
[12:18] onceagain (manoji.yachvili): why not.. I have to do sometimes things that I don’t want to do…is my life
[12:19] Kika Yongho: Great, everyone thank Once for saving their butts
[12:19] Kika Yongho: But now, “let’s get minimal!” with your themed photos for the 7th “fun photo challenge” of our episode #38 of the Photo Cafe’! Duraya will you start? I am roger and out!
[12:19] Duraya: Thank you Kika!
[12:20] Duraya: Okay, time for today’s main agenda: ‚less is more‘ AKA minimalism!
[12:20] Duraya: As usual I searched the net for some inspiring statements or ideas on the subject. So what does it say?
[12:20] Duraya: ‘We mostly think of photography as representing an aspect of the real world or reflecting an experience such as an emotion or feeling.’
[12:21] Duraya: ‘With minimalism, usually no attempt is made to represent an outside reality, the artist/photographer wants the viewer to respond only to what is in front of them. It’s more about what you, as an observer, can discover in yourself through their work.’
[12:22] Duraya: ‘Technically minimalist photography can be seen as ‚the art of less‘. This also applies to colors. Black and white or monochromatic photos seem to be ideal here, but of course you find colors as well.
[12:22] Duraya: ‘Aesthetically, minimalist art offers a highly purified form of beauty. It can also be seen as representing such qualities as truth, order, simplicity and harmony.’
[12:23] Duraya: So love it or hate it – let’s just share what results experimenting with the task brought forward. Please indicate you want to show a picture typing c in open. We tested the url easel today and depending where you get an url from they work better or worse, mostly worse.
[12:24] Moonsoul Kiyori: c
[12:25] ᴀᴇɢᴇᴀɴ (cooltang.flow): as we are on the subject I want to say RIP Serene Footman, he was the best in SL
[12:25] onceagain (manoji.yachvili): agree with Aegean
[12:25] Moonsoul Kiyori: agree too
[12:25] Kika Yongho: RIP
[12:26] Kika Yongho: c
[12:26] Duraya: I already have someone on my board!
[12:27] A. (ava.darkheart): Q
[12:27] Duraya: Ava do we have to do your question first?
[12:29] Moki Yuitza: c
[12:30] A. (ava.darkheart): I have no idea how to define Minimalism, excepted with music maybe, and so I though it’s the absence of form, but the resurgence of substance… the picture of Once again would represent what i had in mind.. but actually, seeing the other pictures, the cup and the chair on the beach, i realise is something else. So is a close up is minimalist too? Or absence of living people is too? Am confuse and sorry to ask silly question. Done
[12:31] onceagain (manoji.yachvili): c
[12:31] Moonsoul Kiyori: c
[12:32] Duraya: I think the main idea is that it’s reduced and what reduced means is up to the creator – it focuses on less than usual pictures to give those enjoying it space for their own feelings, interpretations etc
[12:32] Duraya: more than usual
[12:32] Duraya: the idea of the creator behind the picture fades away
[12:32] A. (ava.darkheart) nods
[12:33] Duraya: BUT
[12:33] Duraya: I am not an expert
[12:33] Duraya: okay, let’s see stuff
[12:33] Duraya: first is Moonsoul
[12:34] Duraya: want to comment on it Moonsoul?
[12:35] Moonsoul Kiyori: only that I agree with all that was said before. For me its the absence of information. very simple background or none. Like Aegean said for Serene emptiness and an avatar at the back. Done
[12:36] Duraya: thank you for your picture
[12:36] Duraya: Kika is next.
[12:37] Kika Yongho: I have been trying really hard to achieve a “minimalistic” photo, cause “less” is not really an expressive way that is congenial to me. So I experimented a bit and took 4 photos. This is the second attempt, the one I decided to go with despite it doesn’t quite match the common idea of minimal. As Ava noticed, it is a close up also: I guess that was my way to achieve “less” and focus on minimal details. Does it count as minimal? The arduous sentence to posterity! I am kidding. Done
[12:38] Duraya: thank you Kika and I like it
[12:39] Duraya: so the next on my list is Moki

[12:39] Moki Yuitza: so…. maybe someone knows, but my main subject in the photos is always the avatar. if it’s not the avatar, it’s architecture or construction, but always and only details. from this point of view I think my images can be considered minimalist
[12:40] Moki Yuitza: I feel more comfortable and also, I think it’s easier to “control” the photo , for me at least
[12:40] Moki Yuitza: looking back in time, I realized that the “lack” of a background or a setting has always been a present element, and I can therefore show you something less recent, something old and something very old
[12:41] Duraya: we’d love to see it

[12:42] Moki Yuitza: it is quite evident how the photo is built around a single element, the avatar in the first two cases, and then the prims in the third which helped me break the light… light which I have always tried to use to “define” the image and give it an atmosphere or a feeling. Done
[12:43] Duraya: thank you Moki, next is onceagain
[12:47] Duraya: who for some strange reason she is sitting in front of a square picture, we didn’t plan
[12:48] onceagain (manoji.yachvili): well Minimal for me is a composition that does not have many distracting elements around. Is a way to express your feeling using the bare minimum trying to strengthen your concept as much as possible.
[12:48] onceagain (manoji.yachvili): is more closely abstract and conceptual than other kind of photo but for me sometimes is more a state of mind and lately only in nature i feel “minimal”
[12:48] onceagain (manoji.yachvili): so for example could be a pineapple with a strength light, different shadows of building and so on
[12:49] onceagain (manoji.yachvili): but as I told, now I need to feel immersed in nature. This is why I’ve done this one even if it is not the minimal that I mean. Done
[12:50] Duraya: thank you
[12:52] Duraya: so any more pictures to share?
[12:53] DaneAlbion: c
[12:54] Duraya: ah Dane, just in time
[12:54] Duraya: you need a square frame I suppose?
[12:55] DaneAlbion: should be square format of course but the board tech has not caught up with the modern world
[12:55] DaneAlbion: yes please
[12:55] DaneAlbion: the default should be square..its the future

[12:55] A. (ava.darkheart): beautiful
[12:56] onceagain (manoji.yachvili): c
[12:56] DaneAlbion: i don’t have a great deal to say about it, it was not the picture i had intended to take but after setting up the flocks of geese coming together caught my eye so this became my picture for the challenge. Done
[12:57] Duraya: thank you Dane, it’s beautiful
[12:57] Duraya: and onceagain, you have a comment
[12:58] onceagain (manoji.yachvili): ok, first, I was looking on my stream and I found one that for me is one of the meaning of minimal
[13:04] Moonsoul Kiyori: oh nice
[13:04] Duraya: ah I saw this one before, it’s great
[13:05] onceagain (manoji.yachvili): thank you
[12:58] onceagain (manoji.yachvili): second, Dane.. why the square will be the future? Done
[13:00] Duraya: Dane, can you explain please?
[13:01] DaneAlbion: it wasn’t really a serious comment…but i suppose we all like to think everyone will come around to our way of seeing the world eventually
[13:02] Duraya coughs
[13:06] Duraya: thank you all for sharing your work and your ideas about minimalism
[13:06] Duraya: Next episode will be an interview and will be on 1st July, hope to see you all!